Outreach Request by Phone/EmailÂ
Please call 904.396.MOSH (6674), ext. 217, or email education@themosh.org if you need assistance scheduling your program.Â
Please have the following information ready in order to book a program:Â
- School’s name, physical address, phone number, fax number, and contact email addressÂ
- Total number of participants and grade level(s)Â
- Preferred program, date, and timeÂ
- Type of event and program location (for example, cafeteria or media room)Â
Please note: All Outreach programs require an 8-foot table, along with access to an electrical outlet. 
Current Outreach Programs Include:
Students will get in on the action of the zany experiments conducted in our mobile science laboratory. This interactive program includes experiments that cover physical science concepts such as matter, electricity, force and motion, and air pressure.
NGSSS: SC.(K–5).N.1 The Science of Knowing
MOSH’s resident reptiles will slither, stroll, and stride into your school. Students learn about different kinds of reptiles, where they live, and what they eat. Possible visitors may include a snake, gopher tortoise, or turtle.
NGSSS: SC.(K1).L.14 Organization and Development of Living Organisms
NGSSS: SC.(1-5).L.17 Interdependence
Utilizing video images, live demonstrations, and interactive storytelling, this program guides students through interplanetary, interstellar, and intergalactic space while describing some of the physical forces and other phenomena that occur in our universe and beyond.
NGSSS: SC.E.5 Earth in Space and Time
NGSSS: SC.P.12 Motion of Objects
NGSSS: SC.P.13 Forces and Changes in Motion
Carry out a lesson in 3D maze-making. Groups will have to invent unique paths and obstacles to meet the goal of maximizing the time it takes a ball to run through their maze. Time trials after each iteration will allow students the ability to compare their improvement individually and as a class. How slow can you go?Â
NGSSS: SC.(K-5).N.1 The Science of Knowing
Students will come to their senses in this multi-disciplinary program that teaches the biology of the five senses through hands-on science experiments. They will look, smell, hear, and feel their way through this fun program!Â
NGSSS: SC.(K-2).L.14 Organization and development of living organisms
Be a NASA engineer and explore the surface of Mars! Students will work in teams to program a robot to navigate a massive map of the Martian surface, collecting data that will one day help NASA colonize the Red Planet.
NGSSS: SC.(3-5).CS-CC.1.4-5, SS.5.G.1.2, MAFS.5.G.1.1-2
Bring the Planetarium to your school! This massive, 12-foot high, 15-foot wide mobile dome is perfect for Science Nights and other major events.Â
NGSSS: SC.(K-5).E.5 Earth in Space & Time
Physics is everywhere, even in our favorite attractions! Students will do experiments to learn the laws of motion, then put those concepts to the test by designing their very own roller coasters in the classroom!Â
NGSSS: SC.(4-6).P.12-13.1 Force & MotionÂ
Make a SPLASH with a MOSH Educator as you dive down into the deep blue sea to learn all about the ocean and the animals that call it home. Make an ocean in a bottle to take home! (Needs access to water.)Â
Do you see that? Smell this! What does it taste like? How does that feel? I hear it! Explore your own 5 SUPER senses alongside a MOSH Educator and learn how they help us to understand the world around us! Make slime to take home!Â
3… 2… 1… BLAST OFF! Rocket into outer space with a MOSH Educator and journey along through the solar system as you discover all there is to know about what we see in the night sky. Make a squishy galaxy to take home!Â
*Program can accommodate up to 50 students at once. Larger groups will be split into multiple programs.Â
**Program can accommodate up to 50 students at once. Larger groups will be split into multiple programs. Must be performed in an auditorium, cafeteria, or other large indoor space.Â
MOSH can accommodate up to two (2) forms of payment per group. MOSH accepts business / school checks, credit cards, and cash. If paying with cash, MOSH asks for exact change and for the field trip organizers to collect payment prior to checking in at the Front Desk.
Outreach Costs
One-Hour Outreach Fee: $450.00
One-Hour Outreach Fee that is 30+ minutes from MOSH: $525.00
Additional Hours: $250.00 per hour
Add-On Fees:
- Animal Safety Fee: $100.00
- Make and Take Fee: $100.00
- Additional Educator Fee: $100.00
Mobile Planetarium Outreach 1-Hour Flat Fee: $850.00
- Of 60 students in the one-hour time frame
- Groups of 10-15 kids in each session (about four sessions per hour)
- 15-minute teaching session for each group
- Requires an indoor space that accommodates 20×20 with a 15ft ceiling
Additional Hour: $250.00 per hour
Outreach Request Form
Upon Form Completion
A MOSH Outreach Inquiry will be emailed upon completion of the registration process. Please note that this is not a finalized reservation. You will be contacted for further information. Groups must book at least 14 days in advance. Cancellations should be made in writing, no less than 7 days prior to your visit. Upon arrival, we will collect final payment for the contracted Outreach program(s).Â